Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1421: Chapter 10

This chapter continued to reveal the relationships between Chinese and Early American Culture. The Pacific Coast of America still has many of these similarities with China even to this day. Some of these include: Language, Asian chickens, Dye and Art Techniques, just to name a few. Gavin goes into great detail about each one so it is impossible just to classify them as coincidences. Also, once again DNA testing has provided evidence of Chinese ancestry all along the West Coasts of North and South America. It is basically indisputable that the Chinese had a very evident part in America long before it was ever discovered by Europeans. I know I am only about half way through this novel, but with the amount and types of evidence presented so far, I am already convinced that Gavin's theory is correct. He also states that when he was searching to see if there were any others out there that believed the same theory as his that the Chinese had discovered America, he stumbled upon the fact that there have already been over one thousand books published about this particular topic from all parts of the earth.

1 comment:

Irish said...

What is to say the Asian influences from the Pacific coast didn't come across the bearing straight? I guess the further up towards Alaska you get, the more obvious a possibility there is of something coming across the Bearing sea from Asia. (ala, Asian Chickens)

Interesting that we see him using the DNA thing again. Hard to argue against Science. It's neat to see you have taken a side in this. I suppose and hope you will continue to read the rest of the book to follow out all of his arguments. You may also want to check out that PBS video I was telling you about.

Mr. Farrell