Thursday, April 24, 2008

1421: Introduction

The introduction was set up as a really good hook. It simply was a background of how the author, Gavin Menzies, came across the maps that led him to search for an ancient seafaring country. In the beginning, he had no idea who these people were, only that they sailed all over the globe before the days of Columbus and Magellan. The detail that was used in describing the routes took by these seamen has already started to draw me into the novel, and I can tell it is only going to get better. It is astounding to even consider the fact that the history we have been taught our entire lives may be based on the explorations of other explorers years before what we already know.

1 comment:

Irish said...

I suppose the Vikings would argue the same exact point, having watched Columbus steal their thunder. It seems history is written by the ones who have a better "public relations" team. Glad to see the book has peaked your interest. I hope it holds through out the novel